Australian Dollar - $AUD. Check out the conversion here.
English, however there’s a pretty extensive vocabulary of uniquely Aussie words and phrases which you should study up on.
They’re easy for some, difficult for others. Check out this handy guide to the Visa situation.
Phone numbers
Country code: 61
Calling overseas from inside: 0011 + (country code) + (number)
Emergency: 000
Time zone
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) is on the East coast and is GMT/UCT plus 10 hours.
There are also Central (South Australia and Northern Territory) and Western (Western Australia) Standard Time zones.
22.6 Million
Major Cities
Sydney - capital of New South Wales
Melbourne - capital of Victoria
Brisbane - capital of Queensland
Adelaide - capital of South Australia
Perth - capital of Western Australia
Darwin - capital of the Northern Territory
When’s it hot?
High season for most of the country is December to February when summer rolls around to burn the supple skin of Europeans.
In the north, it’s hot all year round, so their high season is in the winter months of June, July and August, when it's most tolerable.
Check out the Bureau of Meteorology for all your weather needs.
I need more!
Want to learn about footy? Here's your guide.
Want to learn how to speak Australian? Right this way!
What is Australia? Wonder no more!
Photo: Pierovis Ciada